
Group By in Polars

Group by in polars are pretty easy.

    // Groupby series as a clone of reference
    let groupby_series = vec![

    let target_column = vec![

    let groups = df
        .groupby_with_series(groupby_series, false)?

Group By in Native Rust

However, it is quite tricky in native Rust. To make a group by in a thread-safe manner, you’ll need to use a Hashmap with the fold method. Note that, parallel folds are slightly more complicated as folding requires passing data around threads.

    let groups_hash: HashMap<String, (utils::GroupBy, i16)> = records
        .iter() // .par_iter()
            HashMap::new(), // || HashMap::new()
            |mut hash_group: HashMap<String, (utils::GroupBy, i16)>, record| {
                let group: utils::GroupBy = if let Some(wiki) = &record.Wikipedia {
                    utils::GroupBy {
                        status: record.OpenStatus.as_ref().unwrap().to_string(),
                        ReputationAtPostCreation: record.ReputationAtPostCreation.unwrap(),
                        OwnerUndeletedAnswerCountAtPostTime: record
                        Imperative: wiki.Imperative.unwrap(),
                        ObjectOriented: wiki.ObjectOriented.unwrap(),
                        Functional: wiki.Functional.unwrap(),
                        Procedural: wiki.Procedural.unwrap(),
                        Generic: wiki.Generic.unwrap(),
                        Reflective: wiki.Reflective.unwrap(),
                        EventDriven: wiki.EventDriven.unwrap(),
                } else {
                    utils::GroupBy {
                        status: record.OpenStatus.as_ref().unwrap().to_string(),
                        ReputationAtPostCreation: record.ReputationAtPostCreation.unwrap(),
                        OwnerUndeletedAnswerCountAtPostTime: record
                if let Some((previous, count)) = hash_group.get_mut(&group.status.to_string()) {
                    *previous = previous.clone() + group;
                    *count += 1;
                } else {
                    hash_group.insert(group.status.to_string(), (group, 1));
        ); // }
           // .reduce(
           //     || HashMap::new(),
           //     |prev, other| {
           //         let set1: HashSet<String> = prev.keys().cloned().collect();
           //         let set2: HashSet<String> = other.keys().cloned().collect();
           //         let unions: HashSet<String> = set1.union(&set2).cloned().collect();
           //         let mut map = HashMap::new();
           //         for key in unions.iter() {
           //             map.insert(
           //                 key.to_string(),
           //                 match (prev.get(key), other.get(key)) {
           //                     (Some((previous, count_prev)), Some((group, count_other))) => {
           //                         (previous.clone() + group.clone(), count_prev + count_other)
           //                     }
           //                     (Some(previous), None) => previous.clone(),
           //                     (None, Some(other)) => other.clone(),
           //                     (None, None) => (utils::GroupBy::new(), 0),
           //                 },
           //             );
           //         }
           //         map
           //     },
           // );

    let groups: Vec<utils::GroupBy> = groups_hash
        .map(|(_, (group, count))| utils::GroupBy {
            status: group.status.to_string(),
            ReputationAtPostCreation: group.ReputationAtPostCreation / count.clone() as f64,
            OwnerUndeletedAnswerCountAtPostTime: group.OwnerUndeletedAnswerCountAtPostTime
                / count.clone() as f64,
            Imperative: group.Imperative / count.clone() as f64,
            ObjectOriented: group.ObjectOriented / count.clone() as f64,
            Functional: group.Functional / count.clone() as f64,
            Procedural: group.Procedural / count.clone() as f64,
            Generic: group.Generic / count.clone() as f64,
            Reflective: group.Reflective / count.clone() as f64,
            EventDriven: group.EventDriven / count.clone() as f64,

Uncomment for multithreading


Time(s)Speedup Pandas
Native Rust (Single thread).536 s2x
Native Rust (Multithread).115 s9.5x
Polars(Single thread).131 s8.3x
Polars(Multithread).125 s8.8x
Pandas1.1 s

Group By and Merging are the ideal case for Polars. You’ll get 8x more performance than Pandas on a single thread, and Polars handles multithreading, although in my case, it didn’t matter much.

Native Rust can do it as well, but judging by the size of the code, it is not an ideal use case.