
Applying Function in Polars

To Apply a function in Polars, you can use the default apply or may_apply. I prefer the latter.

fn str_to_date(dates: &Series) -> std::result::Result<Series, PolarsError> {
    let fmt = Some("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S");


fn count_words(dates: &Series) -> std::result::Result<Series, PolarsError> {
	.map(|opt_name: Option<&str>||name: &str| name.split(" ").count() as u64

// ...

    // Apply Format Date
    df.may_apply("PostCreationDate", str_to_date)?;

    let t_formatting = Instant::now();

    // Apply Custom counting words in string
    df.may_apply("BodyMarkdown", count_words)?;

Note that parallel apply is not yet implemented for utf8 series.

Applying Function in Native Rust

What I like about native rust mutation, is that the syntax is standard among iterator, and so once you get comfortable with the syntax, you can apply it everywhere 😀

use chrono::{DateTime, NaiveDate, NaiveDateTime, NaiveTime};
// use rayon::prelude::*;  for multithreads

    // Apply Format Date
    let fmt = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S";

	.iter_mut()  // .par_iter_mut() for multithreads
	.for_each(|record: &mut utils::NativeDataFrame| {
	    record.PostCreationDatetime =
		match DateTime::parse_from_str(
		  record.PostCreationDate.as_ref().unwrap(), fmt) {
		    Ok(dates) => Some(dates),
		    Err(_) => None,

    // Apply Custom Formatting counting words in string
	.iter_mut() // .par_iter_mut() for multithreads
	.for_each(|record: &mut utils::NativeDataFrame| {
	    record.CountWords =
	  record.BodyMarkdown.as_ref().unwrap().split(' ').count() as f64

Performance for formatting dates

Time(s)Speedup Pandas
Native Rust (Single thread).98 s8x
Native Rust (Multithread).148 s52x
Polars(Single thread).88 s8.8x
Pandas7.8 s

Performance for counting words

Time(s)Speedup Pandas
Native Rust (Single thread)9 s2.7x
Native Rust (Multithread)1.3 s19x
Polars(Single thread)9 s2.7x
Pandas24.8 s

Polars does not seem to offer increased performance over the standard library on a single thread, and I couldn’t find a way to do multi-threaded apply… In this scenario, I’ll prefer native Rust.